Saturday, December 14, 2013

Happy Birthday to me! As many of you know, the idea for this blog has been something that I've been talking about and brewing for the last two years. I've been inspired by various creative designers, photographers, writers, chefs, bloggers, and artists; but my perfectionism and fear were holding me back. I kept thinking that I had to read all of the books on blogging and learn how to use all of the fancy computer programs before I could start--but I realized that if teenagers can blog, then so can I. I decided to publish my first blog post, today, the day before my birthday, in order to start my 34th year with a creative bang. And who better to share it with first but my closest friends?! I'm not exactly sure where this blog will take me, but I see it as an outlet and journal for creative design projects, a means to share what makes me tick, a forum to feature other creative and talented people, and hopefully a way inspire others to share their passions with the rest of the world as well. After all, most artist don't do what they do because they want to, rather because they have to. So thank you family, friends, and fellow risk-takers for helping me get here. I have to especially thank Rose Tash for helping me come up with the blog title and concept, and Aryan Aminzadeh for connecting me with Sara Nicely who designed and created my logo that fits my aesthetic so well. I love it! Thank you Sara:
I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you!


  1. thrilled to see this blog up. now i get to look to you for creative inspiration on the internets! such a great way to kick off your birthday, had! xoxo.

  2. i love it - and can't wait to see where it takes you (and us)! :)

  3. It's so pretty! Hooray for Hadley! And happy birthday!!!

  4. Yes! This is so awesome Hadley! I can't wait to read, and see what inspires you, and no doubt will inspire me too.

  5. This is so awesome Hadley! Ever since your pad was featured on Apartment Therapy I have been craving more Had-aesthetics. Looking forward to your next post!

  6. Can't wait to read more!! I love your cooking, craftiness and creative creations. So excited you have a blog, we have to have more Hadley!

  7. Thank you all of your kind words of love and support! It means the world to me.

  8. Had ... the blog looks terrific!!! can't wait to catch up on all of your adventures, findings, and suggestion!!! love ya!
