Monday, December 30, 2013

Talent Trades

I promise that all of my post titles will be alliterated. But while thinking about what I wanted to share here, I realized that one of the most important things that has kept me going through this period of career transition and discovery has been the trading of skills, talents, and services with close friends.When money is tight we become more resourceful.When we are soul-searching we want to spend time with the people we love. And what better way to achieve this but by trading talents! Over the last couple of years I have traded my closet organizing skills for life coaching with my good friend Maya Diamond. I helped my friend Karen Little with some wedding planning and created her bouquet and boutonniere in exchange for her taking professional photographs for my then "future" blog. I also did some painting and bedroom makeover work for my girl Rose Tash who helped me brainstorm and "concept" for this blog. I even designed and planted a vegetable garden for chiropractic care! What kind of trades have you done with your friends and talented acquaintances? Below are a few photos of some of these talent trade experiences.

 1. Photo by Karen Little 2. Photo By Rose Tash 3. Photo by Karen Little 4.,5.,6. Personal Photos :-)

1 comment:

  1. Talent trades are the best! They are such a special way to get to know your friends on a deeper level - and they're simultaneously fun and productive. We each have such a wide array of unique skills and passions and it's so cool to learn from, and support, one another. Had, when we did the photo shoot it was so fun seeing you come out of your shell and blossom into a shining star for the camera! And what would I have done without your wedding planning expertise, as well as your bouqet/boutineer-making prowess? Here's to a lifetime of talent trades!
